Akelius Foundation

pressedækning 2021

©UNICEF, Kounta

Mauritania’s first digital learning program, Akelius digital French course

2021-12-23 | UNICEF

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is a transit country on the migration route to Western Europe. More than 67,000 refugees... read more

©War Child Holland

Unlocking learning

2021-12-01 | UNICEF

Girls and boys learn English in a fun way, through Akelius methodology. In addition to teachers, tablets with a language learning application help them in their work.... read more

@UNICEF, Panjeta

Little prince of Ušivak

2021-11-12 | UNICEF

Kriget i Ukraina drabbar civila hårt. UNHCR och UNICEF arbetar för att lindra nöden i landet. Akelius Foundation dubblar insamlingen under mars… read more


Education opportunities should be accessible to all refugee and migrant children

2021-07-05 | Friends of Europe

Refugee and migrant children learn English using tablets and the Akelius method... watch video